Sacensības Holandē

4 komentāru

Holandē tiek rīkotas peldēšanas un riteņbraukšanas sacensības cilvēkiem ar invaliditāti. Sīkāku informāciju lasi pievienotajos failos.

The EuroChamp Foundation is organizing a World Cup Sport Event for disabled the 16th , 17th and 18th of May 2008 in swimming, cycling and soccer. With this events the EuroChamp Foundation will offer athletes from all over the world a platform to compete with each other and with the Dutch Top. The World Cup is important for EuroChamp and the Netherlands, because this event will guarantee a yearly top sport event in our own region.

The organizing committee is:
EuroChamp Foundation
P.O. Box 151
NL - 9400 AD Assen, The Netherlands
Tel: 0031 – 592 – 308280
Fax: 0031 – 592 – 301289

Information cycling
First entry cycling
Information swimming
First entry swimming

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