ENIL is looking for applicants

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ENIL is looking for applicants of young people to attend the ULOBA Pride Parade in June this year as part of a promotional project for the ENIL Northern Regional Youth Network. A five-day event is planned as part of a project supported by ENIL and STIL/ Sweden and is to take place between 10th June and 15th June 2014 in Sweden/Stockholm and Norway/Drammen.

The overall aims of the project are:
  1. To exchange experience and good examples on peer support from the four countries; Estonia, Latvia, Sweden and Norway.
  2. To give opportunity to a beginning of cooperation over borders for young disabled people from Scandinavia and the Baltic’s.
  3. To show different ways of working for disabled people for the right of self-determination and equality through the opportunity of participating in the ULOBA Pride Parade, the organised IL days in Oslo as well as participating in study visits to ULOBA and ENILs board meeting

The project is being organised and delivered by an ENIL team and members from STIL. We are looking for 3 participants from Sweden, 2 Participants from Estonia and 1 participant from Latvia to take part in this project. Travel costs and accommodation will be covered.

Participants should be between the age of 18 and 30, have a good level of English (for understanding and communication) and to consider themselves to have a disability or impairment and experience with peer support. Being part of an organisation is not a requirement, so please feel free to spread the information about the project outside your NGO. Travel and accommodation costs would be covered (if needed – for a personal assistant too).

Since the focus of the project will be put on the concept of peer support and equality, people with disabilities who use Personal assistant would be encouraged to apply.

To apply to the project send your CV and a motivation letter “Why you would like to participate and describe what you will do after the project” (max 250 word) to Jamie Bolling – jamie.bolling@enil.eu 

The deadline for applying for the project is 7th April 2014.

Looking forward to receiving the first applications!
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